TC Ranch

TC Ranch Horses For Sale Links Email Us

Celebrating over 97 years in Business......

The TC Ranch is an old family ranch established in 1915, owned and operated by the Carter family. We are located in East Texas 20 miles North West of Clevelend and 75 miles North of Houston.

The TC Ranch breeds horses for Disposition, Conformation, and Future Champions in Quarter Horses, Paint Horses, and Thoroughbred mixes in both breeds. We are raising Great horses from Great bloodlines and offering Horses For Sale.

We have 600 acres to explore that backs up to the National Forest!

On March 16th 2012, Owner and beloved husband, Tom Carter went to be with the Lord he served for 78 years. It is our hope to continue in the traditions of Tom Carter's legacy on the TC Ranch.

However at this time we have suspended all activities with the exception of Trail Rides. We will continue to offer trail rides on Saturdays & Sundays. Depending on the number of riders coming out we have 1 to 4 trail guides to accommodate those guests.

Go to our Trail Ride page for more information!

Trail of Life Cowboy Church Presents TC RANCH TRAIL RIDE
For more information, visit our Trail Ride page.

Originally, the ranch started out as a cattle ranch and cotton farming. Gradually cotton was fazed out and a few good Quarter horses were bought. These bloodlines included:

  • King p234, Colonel Freckles, Doc O Lena, Peppy San Badger, Peptoboonsmal, Royal Blue Boon, Doc Bar, Gay Bar King, Dox Cow Smart, Jose Uno, Cutter Bill, Hired Hand, Poco Bueno, Handy Mac, Handle Bar Doc, Three Jets, Jessie James, Collins James, Leo War Bird Leo, Doc's Prescription, Bar None Bob, Jameen Tivio, Blondy's Dude, Doc Holliday, Joe Hancock, Red Man, Blue Valentine, Skip A Star, Otoe's Sue ,Sonny Dee Bar, Spanish Fort,Otoe, Doc Tari, Easter King, Peppy San Leo San, Zan Par Bar, Two Eyed Jack, Poco Tivio, Hollywood Gold, Rowdy Blue Man, Waggoner 101, High Brow Cat

In 1993, the first quarter horse with color (Paint Horse) was brought to the ranch. Today our paint-quarter bloodlines are:

  • Delta (only paint horse in the Cutting Horse Hall of Fame) Delta Flyer, Shots Flying Sparks, Jingo Bars, Sonnys Amigo Bar, Amigas Nina, TD My Investment, Amigo Mio, Midnite Cash, Hank A Chief, Apache Weaver, RR Risky Mastrpiece (multiple APHA World Championships with 1,725 points), Cheyenne Moon Bars, Brigalanas Delta, Delta Getsya There

In 1999, we brought our first Thoroughbreds in to raise faster gaming horses. Some of these mixes of horses have made excellent barrel, roping, and cutting horses besides what we send to the track. These bloodlines include:

  • Dixieland Band, Straight Flush, Charging Through, Night Beat, West of Boni, Far Out East, Bold Ruler, Raja Baba, Raise Your Glass, Raise a Native,Native Dancer, Northern Dancer, Strike Gold, Bugs Alive in75, Prospectors Gold, Blood Royal, Navarette, Smoking Gun, Rush, Nasrullah, Tom Fool, War Admiral, Singapore River

Our Horses

For more information, please contact us.
Email: TC Ranch
Phone:(936) 767-8111
Fax: (936) 767-8110

TC Ranch
3281 Dabney Bottom Rd.
Cleveland Tx. 77327


� Cheryl Carter
TC Ranch
April 26, 2024

Updated: July 9, 2024

Web Site Design by:
Jeanie Stewart
A+ Web Designers